Posts Tagged ‘Twitter


Well That Happened

Well as I look at my blog for the first time in about 3 months I realise that I have not updated the world with all of these interesting things that have happen to me. That is to say I have done some things that people may find interesting.

I did go to Stafford Uni for my interview and that was actually a really good day out, apart from not being able to find a toilet for and hour. The day was warm but not as warm as it has been over the last week or so.

I voted in the general election, that was an odd sensation of disappointment as I voted for change and I got it but not in the shape that I was hoping for.

I am still in college but I should be finished on the 18th and that will be weird as it will mean that I will have to look for a part time job before I hopefully get into Uni, I am still hopeful that I will get in to Newport but nothing is 100% carved in stone and you never know what the future has in store for you.

I recently got a new Mobile Phone. I now have an LG KP500 Cookie, it is a really good phone and surprisingly easy to use. My old phone has now probably arrived at envirophone so at least I am doing something good there and getting more money than my friend Paul did for a phone that was more advanced as mine was.

Stargate Universe finishes this week in America and next week over hear in the UK and i am going to go out on a limb and say “I have really enjoyed the 1st season of SGU and I cant wait for the 2nd season.” I am not going to post any spoilers to what happens or to what has happened so far so you are safe.

That about it really as the other things that have happened in the last 3 months I am unable to talk about or I feel that they don’t need to be shared but they may come to light in the near future.

As always there is more from me over on Twitter so if you have Twitter and you have an interest in the day to day workings of my life, or your a stalker that you should defiantly follow me.


(well that was fun, now lets try something else)


Well its About Time (AGAIN)

So once again I have found that I have been neglecting to blog as I have been updating people about my life on Twitter so I thought that I would have a go at Blogging again.

Work Experience

In the last week before Easter I did Work Experience as an infant school and this was a really good week and I wish that I could have done another week as I really enjoyed it. There was only one down side to this is that there wasn’t anything IT related that I could do so I spent the time doing  System Maintenance on the computers like Disc Defragmantation and Disc Cleanup and helping out where ever I could.

Easter Holidays

I have had a boring two weeks off for easter and I can not wait to go back to College on Monday.

I have however played some pool and some Darts with a friend during the holiday and I have had my hair dyed. It is not Blue but the colour is a dark Blue and that and the combination of my dark hair before hand have made it come out looking like it is Black but in the right light you can see the Blue.

I have Bought Caprica The Pilot on DVD and I have bought yet more clothes (I need to be stopped) and one of the items of clothing that I have bought is a Shirt.

So at the moment I am 3 episodes into the second half of the first season of SGU (Stargate Universe) and it has to be said that the slow build up of episodes 101-110 have really payed off.

Also I have found that I am Liking the new series of Doctor Who more than I thought that I would but I am not really liking the new Daleks as they are too big.

Next Week

I am interested to see how my hair goes down at college as i have only told one person at college that it is Blue so that could be Intermeresting.

Next Wednesday I have an interview at Stafford Uni and I am Traveling up there on my own and I have to leave Gillingham by Train at 05:50 in the morning to get to Stafford with enough time to find the Uni. It is going to be fun and I hope that I don’t get lost.

I think that we are all cough up with my life now and I will bid you all Good Day.

As always there are more updates on Twitter.


(OMG I can’t keep this hidden much Longer)


Good News Everyone….

Next week is going to be exhausting.

I am going to the University of Wales, Newport (Allt-Yr-Yn campus) on Wednesday (03/03/2010). It is so I can have a look round the Campus meet the tutors and get information on stuff like Accommodation and I think that there is a trip to see the new campus as well.

I am not a Morning person but I have to be up at 06:00 and at the train station for 07:00 so that I can get into Newport for around 11:30-12:00, the visit starts at 13:00 and it should be over by about 17:30. I will then have to get the train back and i should arrive back in Kent around mid-night.


I have had a Haircut.


I have been saying for the last couple of months that it was going to happen but this week I went through with it. It was time for a change if I am going to be honest with you as the long hair was starting to become a nightmare to manage and it was starting to annoy me a little bit.

so that is it really nothing else is new of has happened so like always you can follow me on twitter:

R_U_Safe and now Stargatefreek


(“Everywhere that I go misery will follow”)


Its Cold Outside

Hello there

So in a few days it is going to be December and that means only one thing: New Year

Wait I think I have miss calculated I am sure there is something else happening before that, Oh yes Doctor Who Christmas Special (FTW).

For those that have been wondering (I doubt that there are any people that read everyone of my posts and in that have become a “Fan”) I have been busy over the last couple of weeks, it has mainly been college stuff but I have been working on a big thing my UCAS application (for those that don’t know I am applying  to go to University) and I have almost completed all of it.

The other week I found out that Orange have joined the Twitter bandwagon so I now get free text updates from a small number of the people I follow (this is nice as Twitter is the only person I receive texts from these days and the volume I get makes me seem popular) and now Orange is selling the iPhone (Win) and I now am looking to get one of those on contract when I get the money.

My computer is now down 2 of its speakers as the cables have broken so the sound is still as good but I have nothing behind me so I have gone from 5.1 down to 3.1 but after the PGP (Primary Gifting Period (Christmas)) I will be looking to get a couple of new ones from Chatham.

So I have once again re-arranged my bedroom, I would show you but my camera is broken but I do have a photo of on of my walls, this wall is the one that is behind me when I take photos.

My Wall

I have started to listen to songs I have not since I found Spotify. It has added more variety to my MP3 player witch with 6months of the same songs did get a little boring so I decided that I needed to update it and so I did.

Stargate Universe has been getting really good over the last couple of weeks and so has Sanctuary and I have now given up on the reviews of each episode but like I have said I have been busy. Don’t despair though as over my Christmas holiday I will be going up to the Mid-Season Finale on SGU and where ever I have gotten to on Sanctuary.

So that is all from me  and I will be back sometime in December and as always you can keep upto date with all the antics in my life through the legalised stalking site Twitter.

Please let me know if you are a “Fan” of my Blog by:

  • emailing me:
  • Sending me an @reply on twitter
  • or by leaving me a comment

So bye *Waves*


(*Still Waving*)


Updating, updating, updating

Hello there everyone it has been a bit since I posted an update on this blog (other than a review) and I thought that I should.

First of all can I say a thank you to everyone that has visited my blog since the start of the month, I find it quite interesting as to how people have been finding me on the web. over the last couple of weeks it has been search terms relating to Stargate Universe like, “stargate universe destiny” and “stargate universe whiteboard” but amongst the best there was “stargate universe sex scene”, this is one of those things that i can’t make up i have had people here looking for “Photos of David Hewlett”, “red nose day”, “stargate ships comparison chart”, “pictures of Elyse Levesque” and there are lots of other so thank you and keep all of your different searches coming I like to see the weird ways that people arrive at my blog.

SG-U Stargate Universe

SG-U Stargate Universe

I have been enjoying the start of Stargate Universe and I am liking the new season of Sanctuary. I will be reviewing both of them on this blog, SGU is being done and I will be starting the sanctuary ones at the weekend and there will one for each part of “End of Nights”.

College has been going well over the last month, we have a boring tutor and one of our tutors has left due to stress (this is based on information i received this morning), we only have another few days left and then we are off for a week.

Lost seasons 1-3

Lost seasons 1-3

I have now got nearly all of Stargate SG1 on DVD, I am missing episodes 220 – Show and Tell, 917 – The Scourge, 918 – Arther’s Mantle, 919 – Crusade and 920 – Camelot (ptI) and I am missing season 10, I have now got seasons 1-3 of LOST and I have worked my way through them and I only have 2/3 of season 3 left to go.

I have been updating my website over the last couple of days and the changes are live here, also I changed the header to this blog.

Sanctyary Season 1 Boxset

Sanctuary Season 1 Boxset

Last week I managed to purchase sanctuary season 1 and one of the discs didn’t working properly, actually it was the 1st disc just after the 2nd episode so that was rather annoying but I took it back and they refunded the money and are going to hold another copy of it when it comes in again so I can’t really complain.

I think that is everything for now I am still using Twitter so follow me if you like.


(All access pass to Spookville. Comes with a free lunch and a decoder ring)


Hello There, Long Time No See

MMMM how are we?

Hello there how are you? I am once again saying this at the start of a blog post as I have been “Twittering all over MyFace and TubeSpace”, once again.

So here I go with the main blogging part:

I have recently discovered (I was late night Googling) TROCK (Time-lord Rock) and this was “Created By” Nerimon, and what TROCK is is songs about Doctor Who, this is brilliant it is like saying I want to watch Doctor Who but I would like to listen to music at the same time. there is a band of 4 youtube users (Nerimon, Charlieissocoollike, Cowinparachute and  Littleradge) and this is called Chameleon Circuit.

I like all of the Chameleon Circuit Tracks on the album, (just for the record (get it) I do not have a copy as I can not afford to purchase the physical CD or pay for the MP3 tracks, I have listened to them in various places but mostly the iTunes samples), but there are a couple that stand out from the 10 on the album:

  • An Awful Lot Of Running
  • Blink
  • Exterminate, Regenerate
  • Count the Shadows

So here are the videos on youtube for, An Awful Lot of Running (this is the Official vid) and Blink (Charlieissocoollike demo version) :

There is a video of Charlie’s that I am liking at the moment and here it is:

I think that this is so funny and I cant stop watching it.

Yesterday I Re-Uploaded a video on to youtube and here it is:

While I am on the subject of Youtube I have created a new user account, Stargatefreek0275 will still be running but this will be for my Fanvids but the new account is for my (soon to be) new Vlog, I have been thinking of starting a Vlog since the start of College back in September(2008) but it is only now that I am going to be starting one. I did attempt to start at the beginning of the week but it was just an EPIC FAIL as everything went wrong. It started with the fact that my webcam (even though it has a built in Microphone) is unable to record Video & Audio at the same time, this is stupid!!!!

Then I tried my Mobile phone to do this but the quality was awful so i have given up until I can use (or get a better) Digital Camera to do it. Here is the user name of the new account: DCS340

I have made an E-Mail account so that the readers of this blog (if I have any regular ones (please let me know)) can E-Mail me and if you are lucky you may get a mention in a Blog or a Vlog and you will receive an actual reply from ME.

My Guitar

My Guitar

My Plectrums

My Plectrums

I have (once again) started to learn the Guitar, this time I am having a better time that before and like the 3 times before I am doing it “all by my self” (isn’t that the lyrics to a song?) and i an having more luck than the other times as I am learning to play a song that is quite simple in comparison toe the previous ones.

If you would like to know, I am learning: “An Awful Lot of Running” by Chameleon Circuit.

Me (as a cartoon)

Me (as a cartoon)

Me (as a cartoon)

Me (as a cartoon)

The TARDIS (as a cartoon)

The TARDIS (as a cartoon)

Well like with all things that I do there is a reason for them and most of the time it is, and i Quote: “‘Cos i was bored” but however that is one of the reasons for this but there is another reason but that will be revealed soon (hopefully). All that i will say at this time is that they are bart of a larger project.

I am happy with them allthough the roof of the TARDIS is not quite right and I did endup giving up. With the cartoon of me, it is actualy been created to scale (hight wise reay) and it is now being used as my display pictures and from the feedback that I have recieved people are liking it so I will be tweaking it when I need to change my display pictures in the future.

I am going to go and practice the Guitar and twitter some more.

Bye *waves*


(And an awful lot of running to do.)


And now…. Kerrang Radio Changes

Well I have started the summer holidays and it has been a week and I am quite bored, there are a few reasons for this boredom.

  1. I have nothing to do
  2. I can’t find work
  3. I have no money
  4. Emma Scott has left Kerrang! Radio
  5. Nick Margerison has left Kerrang! Radio
  6. and The Night Before is no more
The Night Before

The Night Before

Well I have been a Kerrang listener for a few years now and I have been an avid listener to The Night Before with Nick Margerison for just over a year and this week saw the end of it, I am sad to see it go as this was the best show that Kerrang has done and it is the only show where I have felt that I can speak my mind and not look like a blathering idiot. I have made one of the biggest contributions to The Big Show as I was the one that started #HowAreWe on twitter, this is the only Hash Tag that i have started that has court on and it is becoming ever popular with the old Night Before cult. I have been a caller on the show covering many topics from the starting of the Hash Tag to attempting to have a moan at El Presidente, Matt only failed due to the Thought experiment in which One is not allowed to say the word the is a letter between H and J, yes I is the word and the experiment is long over ( I lasted 4 days due to the fact that I was close to a mental breakdown), but I have found the show to be the way that I have stayed 3 steps ahead of the world on the big storys.

Loz Guest

Loz Guest

Sinning Henri

Sinning Henri

Loz Guest is the presenter that is replacing The Night Before and his partner Kristian Stephenson is another that has left Kerrang, the replacement for Kristian and Loz is Singing Henri.

Emma Scott

Emma Scott

Luke Wilkins

Luke Wilkins

Emma Scott is being replaced by Luke Wilkins and Amy Jones is now doing Sunday Breakfast.

Amy Jones

Amy Jones

Plans have been put in place to preserve The Night Before as a number of podcasts have been uploaded Here.


(An Official Discordian Pope)


MMMMMMMM How are We?

hello there,

it has been some time since i posted a blog entery so i may be a little rusty but i will give it a go none the less.


i am a twitterer and i was before it became the next big thing by about a year, and i have started something on there with the help of “The Night Before”  on kerrang Radio, it is a # tag and it is, #howarewe, and the way that it works is, you add the tag to the tweet and give a score out of 10 and include a reason for the score.


#howarewe 5/10, so bored i may have to kidnap a cat.

the team on “The Night Before” are hopeing to get this in to the top topics on twitter.

DVD Collection

over the last couple of mounths my colection of DVDs has increased quite a lot, i have moe got all of CSI and i have started on House. 

it should be noted that i have nearly runout of shelving space for the DVDs.


this is my new favorite shop and it has just opened up in chatham high street and the price of the stuff in there is exceptional.


Red Nose Day 2009


Red Nose Day 09

Red Nose Day '09


Comic Relief

Comic Relief

I have decided i am going to “Do something funny for Money” this year for Comic Relief.

I have chosen to do a sponsored Bicycle ride for Red Nose Day.

I have not sorted it all out yet, so I still need to decide on how far I am going to go and the route I will go and where this will lead me but I know that it will be sorted in the next couple of days.

I will be Twittering and Blogging about everything I do (Decisions, choices, etc) leading up to the event on the Saturday (14/03/2009) after Comic Relief.

There was a small list of things that I could have done like:

  1. Get a Hair Cut
  2. Sponsored Silence
  3. The bike ride
  4. A complete week in college

So I chose the Bicycle ride as it will get me exercises and it will be good for me.

I have setup a RND (Red Nose Day) sponsor page on there site so that people can donate and sponsor me online and I will also have a sponsor form as well.

All of the money I raise will go to a good cause and will save lives and improve them as well.

RND Fact:

£5 could buy a malaria bed net


The BT Red Nose Climb

The BT Red Nose Climb

I have donated money to the Red Nose Climb, I did a text donation of £1 wich will help and as TESCO says “Every Little Helps” so as Moyles is going up Mt Kilimanjaro the ride will help raise more money.

I hope that you do something for RND.


(It’s got to be worth a few Quid?)


Long Time No Bloging

well it has been a while since i last bloged.

the only reason it has been this long is due to the fact i am using twitter and i think i am adicted(again), is there a twitter Anonamus? 

stupid question.


The Techguys

The Techguys

well i have been having a bit of trouble with the computers DVD Drive and it was making a noise as though it was about to fail for the last week or so so i called up the tech guys and they just replaced the Drive Like-for-Like and it was really easy and efective as the new drive is so much quieter than the other drive.




i have been watching a lot of CSI:NY over the last week and i have started watching the 1st season and realising that i have not seen most of these witch is like me.

i cant really thing of anything else that is new other than i got my new glasses and the ring  and that it is the last day of the half term.



(i am a Twitter Adict)

May 2024


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